Blog posts : "bc"

The collision happened at an uncontrolled section of track not intended for pedestrian crossing.

45 level crossings in Nanaimo made the continuation of operating trains unfeasible.

Police are working to trace her last movements.


Trestle will complete important link in the Trans Canada trail system, bring visitors

It voted unanimously in favour of rail being the preferred option for the transit system,

additional warning lights will be installed, along with train-activated message boards

an issue that folks in the Cowichan Valley should be keeping a close eye on.

Seeing the sights via railway lines is up close and personal when it’s done in a rail speeder.

Put railway wheels on city buses and stick them on the E&N line at rush hour. "They could stay on the rails; just drop people off to connect with other transit."

This year's 20th annual Victoria Model Railway Show is scheduled for Cedar Hill Recreation Centre, 3220 Cedar Hill Rd. Sunday 10-4pm

Mayor Ken McRae has (very diplomatically) told the residents of Woss to put up or shut up

Victoria to apply for gas tax funds to help pay for new crossing

Neither of the train's two crew members, a conductor and locomotive engineer, nor any passengers were injured,

A tug of war between the city of Port Alberni and Woss Lake has developed over the No. 113 steam train.

but officials responsible for improvements have yet to take further action.

A new paved bikeway could be built in Courtenay

The poor and outdated design of a Nanaimo railway crossing is to blame for killing two people in October 2009,

the driver likely didn't notice the flashing lights or hear the warning bell until 14 metres from the crossing

Limited signal visibility and poor intersection design contributed to a train-and-car crash

20 blog posts