Blog posts : "port alberni"
The Raven Coal Project Facts
August 6, 2010
CEAA posts backgrounder on Raven Underground Coal Project
CEAA posted a backgrounder on the Raven Project today and announced a 30 day public comment period. The public will have until September 20, 2010 to comment on the project and conduct of the comprehensive study.
This is the firs…
Hauling coal would put struggling railway on solid financial footing
June 19th 2010
Proposed mine could boost rail business
Vancouver Island's struggling railway would be given new life if coal from a proposed mine near Fanny Bay
June 19th 2010
Proposed mine could boost rail business
but the Island Corridor Foundation is responsible for the line in between,
June 10th 2010
Coal proponent presents Raven’s case
“The project can’t sustain the capital that would be required for the railway; so the short answer is ‘No’”
June 10th 2010
recent news of the No. 113 to get that one back into town and restored.”
May 16th 2010
IHS holds tag day to make up budget decimated by cuts
20 blog posts
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